Welcome to our collection of articles, papers, books and stories about the Mason and Dixon line. Compiled over 25 years on the line...
1883 Report on resurvey of Ohio, New York and West Virginia boundaries (6.90MB)
1903 Report on Resurvey of Allegany and Garrett Counties MD; Published by the Maryland Geological Survey – Includes information about a mound on the Mason and Dixon Line (9.79MB)
1905 account of Virginia boundary controversy; An Historical Sketch by Boyd Crumrine, printed for the Washington County Historical Society (limited information about Mason Dixon Line (4.71MB)
A Note on Charles Mason's Ancestry; by H. W. Robinson Lately Librarian of the Royal Society of London (30.17KB)
An Early Episode in career of Mason & Dixon; by R. Heathcote Heindel University of Pennsylvania (25.50KB)
Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon; By Thomas D. Cope Department of Physics, University or Pennsylvania (85.75KB)
Charter of the Province of Pennsylvania (25.23KB)
Collecting Source Material about Charles Mason; by Thomas D. Cope Professor of Physics, University of Pennsylvania (40.03KB)
Evolution of the Mason and Dixon Line; by Morgan Poitiaux Robinson. - reprinted from the April and May, 1902, numbers of the, Oracle Magazine, Richmond, Virginia. (3.54MB)
Fact and Fiction; by Wilhelm Schmidt, MA, PLS (39.98KB)
Good Horses and Agreeable Companions; The Search for the Observatory in Ye Forks of the Brandiwine; By Todd M. Babcock, PLS Athens, PA (2.92MB)
GPS Longitude Values; by Robert Mentzer, An analysis of the Longitude values for the stones on the West line (24.14KB)
How Mason and Dixon Ran Their Line; by Robert Mentzer, An analysis of the methods used to survey the line and the affect gravity had on the final location of the line. (100.65KB)
Jeremiah Dixon (1733-1779) - a Biographical Note; H. W. Robinson Lately Librarian of the Royal Society of London (32.97KB)
Jeremiah's Theodolite; By Edwin Danson (23.68KB)
The History of Mason and Dixon's Line; Contained in an address, delivered by John H. B. Latrobe, of Maryland, before The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, November 8, 1854. (63.59KB)
Mason and Dixon and Franklin; By Thomas D. Cope, University of Pennsylvania (27.64KB)
More about Mason and Dixon; By Thomas D. Cope, University of Pennsylvania (8.08KB)
National Register - Brown's Hill; Copy of the document placing the stone on the National Register of Historic Places (261.36KB)
National Register - DE-MD and DE-PA stones; Copy of the document placing all of the stones set by Mason and Dixon on the National Register of Historic Places (368.29KB)
Reply to Questions; Thomas D. Cope reference to articles (19.17KB)
Mason, Dixon and the HMS Seahorse Transit of Venus Expedition; By J. Donald Fernie, Transits, Travels and Tribulations, II, portion of the article describes the attack upon the HMS Seahorse during the expedition to observe the Transit of Venus in 1761. (104.77KB)
Stargazers, Axmen and Milkmaids; Todd M. Babcock, PLS (196.87KB)
Surveying Mason and Dixon's Line - What did it cost?; By Robert Bechtol, An analysis performed in 2002 to determine the cost of the survey in modern values. (10.51KB)
T. Robert Bechtol’s Baltimore County Inventory of the stones; 1989 (644.36KB)
T. Robert Bechtol’s Cecil County Inventory of the stones; 1989 (1.02MB)
T. Robert Bechtol’s Harford County Inventory stones; 1989 (847.00KB)
The Apprentice Years of Mason and Dixon; By Thomas D. Cope, University of Pennsylvania (63.40KB)
The Dixons of Cockfield; Lecture given by George W Dixon, JP, (4x-Great Grandson of George Dixon - Jeremiah Dixon's elder brother) to the Darlington Historical Society on Wednesday 18 March 1998. (703.38KB)
The Evolution of the Mason and Dixon Line (3.54MB)
The First Scientific Expedition; By Thomas D. Cope, University of Pennsylvania (0.99MB)
The Maryland-Pennsylvania and the Maryland-Delaware Boundaries; The Maryland Board of Natural Resources, William H. Bayliff (5.18MB)
The Mason and Dixon Line, A Story for the Bicentenary; Pennsylvania Department of the interior 1962 (12.34MB)
The McLean family and the Mason-Dixon Line; By Robert M. Torrence, published in the Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, 1957 (47.16KB)
The NGS Data Sheets for line data only; a listing of all of the Mason Dixon stones which have USC&GS disks on the stones, compiled by Todd M. Babcock (130.33KB)
The Stargazer's Stone; By Thomas D. Cope, University of Pennsylvania, 1939 (87.78KB)
The Ticking Stone; Folklore story from Tales of the Chesapeake – 1880 (615.67KB)
The Work of Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon; By Edwin Danson, United Kingdom, presented at the FIG XXII International Congress Washington, D.C. USA, April 19-26 2002 (268.37KB)
Westward Five Degrees of Longitude; By Thomas D. Cope, University of Pennsylvania (37.47KB)
What is The Latitude of the Post Marked West?; By Robert Mentzer (10.28KB)
Zenith Sectors and Discoveries made with them; By Thomas D. Cope, University of Pennsylvania, Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 72-75. Vol. XVIII. 1944 (11.36KB)
The Role of the Royal Society in the Mason and Dixon Survey; By John Skertich, April 1993 (2.4MB)
A Sketch of the famous Mason and Dixon Line; By Alice M. Heaven, 1927 (960KB)
The Bounds of Delaware; By Dudley Lunt, 1947(3.9MB)